Fly with New Zealand's safest, most experienced, award winning aeroplane whale watching company. Wings Over Whales is truly the best way to see our incredible whales, dolphins and stunning mountains!
“Experience the true magnitude of the world’s largest mammal, the whale!” - TOP REVIEWED!
Wings over Whales Kaikoura provide whale watching and scenic flights, getting you up close and personal with the magnificent Sperm Whales off the coast of Kaikoura, New Zealand. With a year-round population of Sperm Whale, Dusky Dolphins and other visiting whale and dolphin species, Kaikoura is undoubtedly one of the most spectacular places for your whale watching experience.
Wings Over Whales have a professional and friendly team and premises who are committed to passenger safety and enjoyment. Endorsed GOLD standard by Qualmark (New Zealand’s official tourism quality assurance organisation) passengers at Wings Over Whales can be confident of a great experience. A cup of free hot tea, coffee or hot chocolate available for booked guests.
All passengers will have their own window seat and the company operate high-winged aircraft which permits clear unobstructed viewing of Kaikoura’s incredible whales and marine life. During your flight whales and dolphins will be orbited at a height of 150 metres (or 500ft) giving you the opportunity to clearly see and photograph these animals from head to tail.
Wings Over Whales have been conducting whale watching flights for over 30 years and are the longest running and most experienced commercial aerial whale watching company in Kaikoura. While there is no 100% guarantee to see a whale on every flight, we have a solid understanding of the whales’ surfacing habits and a very high success rate. We pride ourselves on being the most trustworthy company and will always be honest about the weather conditions and your chances of seeing a whale.
Ich kann Wings over Whales nur empfehlen. Wir haben drei verschiedene Wale gesehen. Eine wunderschöne Erfahrung.
Das Whalewatching aus der Vogelperspektive war erfolgreich und grandios. Allerdings sollte man nicht unterschätzen, dass es ein turbulenter Flug ist :)
Thanks for the review!
Wir haben zwei Flüge gemacht, da wir beim ersten Flug leider keine Wale oder Delfine entdecken konnten. Dafür haben wir eine schöne Aussicht über das Meer und die Küstenregion bekommen. Beim zweiten Flug konnten wir einen Pottwal entdecken. Da ich den Wal zuerst gesehen habe, hat mir der Pilot sogar ein Eis spendiert :D
Thanks for flying with us, we're glad you enjoyed your experience!
Perfekter Ablauf, Schulung und Flug. Der Pilot hat sein bestes gegeben. Wir haben Wale und Delphine gesehen.
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This award identifies a business with a high level of professionalism, a keen awareness of the impact it has on the environment and a commitment to a customer centric approach.
This award is evidence of a sophisticated tourism business that consistently exceeds visitor expectations. Their proactive leadership and management ensure the business's focus on continuously improving their economic, social and environmental performance to create genuine, constantly evolving and sustainable tourism experiences.
This award recognises the best sustainable tourism businesses in New Zealand. It denotes exceptional customer experiences at the heart of everything the company does. This business is leading the way in making the New Zealand tourism industry a world class sustainable visitor destination.
When you see the Qualmark logo, your activity of choice is endorsed by New Zealand Tourism's official quality assurance organisation and backed by leaders in the industry. It's your trusted guide to iconic activities and experiences that are awarded for their exceptionally high level of quality, safety and sustainability.
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Rebecca Janko from Germany wrote on 12 April 2017
Günstig und lohnenswert!
Eine gute Alternative zu den Bootstouren. Etwas günstiger und wirklich schön! Ich habe zwei Wale gesehen, aber man ist schon relativ weit weg, man braucht eine Kamera mit gutem zoom!