Bookme Special - Akaroa to Christchurch Bus Ticket
Akaroa to Christchurch Bus:
Departs daily at 4:00pm from 78 Rue Lavaud, Akaroa.Arrival in Christchurch is approx 5:45pm.
Comfortable modern Coach Transport
Informative driver commentary
We make a visit to Barry's Bay Traditional Cheese Factory for cheese tasting. Cheese, wine and local produce are available for purchase.
We look forward to welcoming you aboard!
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Wir sind pünktlich abgefahren. Der Fahrer hat einiges zu akaroa und die Gegend im allgemeinen erzählt.
Sehr nett und hilfsbereit
Wir waren sehr wenige im Bus, sodass der Busfahrer beschlossen hat, jeden bei seiner Unterkunft in Christchurch abzusetzen! Das war einfach nur klasse!! Mit einem 10 minütigen Stopp bei einer Käserei zum kostenlosen Probieren, hat der Busfahrer uns alle ziemlich glücklich gemacht. Auch wenn der Bus erst um 16 uhr abgefahren ist und wir lange mit unserem Gepäck die stunden überbrücken mussten, hat sich dieser Busservice auf alle Fälle 5 Sterne verdient!
Zuverlässig, pünktlich und viele interessante Fakten entlang des Weges.
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This award identifies a business with a high level of professionalism, a keen awareness of the impact it has on the environment and a commitment to a customer centric approach.
This award is evidence of a sophisticated tourism business that consistently exceeds visitor expectations. Their proactive leadership and management ensure the business's focus on continuously improving their economic, social and environmental performance to create genuine, constantly evolving and sustainable tourism experiences.
This award recognises the best sustainable tourism businesses in New Zealand. It denotes exceptional customer experiences at the heart of everything the company does. This business is leading the way in making the New Zealand tourism industry a world class sustainable visitor destination.
When you see the Qualmark logo, your activity of choice is endorsed by New Zealand Tourism's official quality assurance organisation and backed by leaders in the industry. It's your trusted guide to iconic activities and experiences that are awarded for their exceptionally high level of quality, safety and sustainability.
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Silvia Wegmann from Germany wrote on 20 February 2025
Super freundlicher Busfahrer.