Join us for a Whale Watching Tour from Southport on the Gold Coast. Get a front-row seat to see the spectacular Humpback whales up close!
Join us to view the incredible Humpback whales while they are on their annual migration. Our catamaran, ‘Game Changer’ makes for a unique experience with these creatures. On occasion, they come right alongside the vessel to show off and pose for photos. There will be plenty of photo opportunities on our vessel, especially on the viewing deck where you can see a clear view of the whales breaching. You will have memories for a lifetime!
We also have a unique opportunity to participate in unique research activities. You will receive information about humpback whales and the options for getting involved. Alternatively, feel free to sit back and enjoy the experience.
With our small vessel we run tours for 2-3 hours depending on the conditions and whale sightings on the day. We can run up to 3 tours per day:
아쿠아 어드벤처에서 고래 보기 투어 추천해요! 고래 보는 지점까지 가고 다시 돌아오는 과정도 수상보트 액티비티 느낌이라 재밌었어요. 이동속도가 빨라서 숙소에서 미리 멀미약 안 먹었으면 멀미했겠는걸 싶었어요 ㅋㅋㅋ 투어 전 멀미약 먹는 걸 추천드려요! 친정엄마랑 만 3살 아들이랑 갔는데 거의 3시간 반? 했는데 다들 너무 좋아하고 흥미진진해했어요ㅋㅋ 사진, 동영상 많이 찍구요. 스노클링하는 것도 선택할 수 있었는데 전 아들이 어려서 못해서 아쉬웠는데 뛰어들고 나오고 하는 것도 힘들어보여서 나중엔 고래보기만 하는게 편하구나 싶었어요ㅋㅋㅋ 그래도 제가 조금 더 젊고 체력이 좋았다면 고래나 해파리, 바다거북 등을 스노클링해서 보는 걸 선택했을 거에요. 현장 상황에 따라 시간이 더 길어질 수 있으니 예약된 일정이 없는 날에 고래 투어하는 걸 추천드려요. 그만큼 보트의 모든 사람들이 만족할 때까지 노력하는 업체였어요! 감사했어요🥰
Had the most incredible time! We were out on the boat for 2.5ish hours and saw so many whales! We saw a whale breach as well and got close to them. We were given splash proof jackets and the staff were very friendly and knowledgeable. Incredible experience. Would recommend taking motion sickness medication beforehand, particularly on choppy days!
Relaxed, friendly, committed staff. Made every effort to make sure we saw whales. Doesn’t matter whether you are swimming with whales or watching it’s great fun.
Staff was welcoming, friendly and looked well after the group. We saw many whales thanks to the expertise of the 3 staff. Splash proof coats were provided and the staff set up a photo sharing group which was great too. Thank you team
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This award is evidence of a sophisticated tourism business that consistently exceeds visitor expectations. Their proactive leadership and management ensure the business's focus on continuously improving their economic, social and environmental performance to create genuine, constantly evolving and sustainable tourism experiences.
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Sihyoung Lee from South Korea wrote on 19 August 2024
Nice staff, amaizing tour
솔직히 작은 보트라 마지막까지 고민했는데 최고의 선택💗 원래 타려던 유명한 크루즈엔 사람 바글바글해서 이 배처럼 가까이서 보기 힘들었을듯 ㅠㅠ 스탭도 완전 친절 햇살 그자체 골코에서 고래 투어는 여기 추천해요!