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Phillip Island Penguin Parade with kangaroos and Koalas Day Tour

Join us at Melbourne Australia Tours as we travel to the best loved tourist attractions and get up close and personal to an array of wildlife on an exciting full day tour!

Join us at Melbourne Australia Tours as we travel to the best loved tourist attractions and get up close and personal to an array of wildlife on an exciting full day tour!


  • Visit the award-winning Maru Koala Park
  • Take an iconic selfie with Australia's native wildlife
  • Play in crystal clear waters at one of Victoria's most popular surf beaches -Cape Woolamai
  • Explore & feast in Cowes, Phillip Island
  • Experience the world's smallest penguins return home at Summerlands Beach
  • Take in beautiful views as you walk around The Nobbies

Discover Phillip Island and all that it has to offer as you explore its natural beauties, famous town, and meet the local wildlife.

Capture an iconic selfie with the wildlife at our first stop at an award winning animal park - Maru Koala Park. Enjoy meeting the kangaroos, koalas, parrots, and more! We’ll get to hear and watch some fascinating presentations and wildlife shows.

Next, we’ll have some fun in the crystal clear water, taking in the beautiful sights and soaking up the sun at Cape Woolamai - one of Victoria’s most popular surf beaches and Phillip Island’s highest point. After a fun day at the beach, we’ll explore Cowes - a famous tourist town known for its cultural artistic lifestyle and its delicious array of foods. Enjoy a flavourful meal for dinner at your own expense. Choose from a variety of options such as Western, Italian, Pizza, Indian, Chinese, etc. There are plenty of options for those who are halal, vegetarian, have other dietary and religious requirements. After dinner, explore the towns shops, beaches, and more!

Soak up all the wildlife encounters, stunning views and walks as we visit The Nobbies. The Nobbies is an ecotourism destination located at Point Grant that’s home to Australia's largest Australian Fur Seal colony. Visiting the seals will get us excited for our last wildlife adventure on this tour - a visit to Summerlands beach.

As the sun sets at Summerlands beach, be in awe as the world’s smallest penguin waddles back up the beach to the safety of their homes, after a day of fishing. An amazing sight to see and a beautiful memory to end the tour with.

Pick-up locations: During Summer October to march 2 pm start during winter April to September 12 pm St Pauls cathedral, a Chadstone shopping center near Pappa rich/bus interchange. Glen Waverly train station.

Departs: 2 - 3 pm from October to March / 1 pm April to September

Returns: Between 9-10 pm (winter time) and 12 midnight (summer time) times may vary

Upgrades: Upgrades such as VIP tours etc are available and can be arranged with the operator after booking

Adult $135.00
Child $119.00

What's included

  • Entry fees into Maru Koala Park
  • Park fees and entry into Penguin Parade general viewing
  • Free bottle of water


  • Allow approximately 12 hours for the whole experience


  • Choose pick-up location
  • village melbourne 167 franklin st melbourne 1230pm
  • 30 russel st melbourne 1235 pm
  • chadstone shopping centre. 1pm

Child Friendly

  • This experience welcomes families with children.


  • Child pricing applies to children 0-14 years old.

    When booking kids, you must note if and how many infants are traveling to comply with Victorian Government safety regulations.

Available Bookings from 6 Mar to 19 Mar 2025

Change Dates

All prices are shown in AUD ($)

Thu 6 Mar
Fri 7 Mar
Sat 8 Mar
Sun 9 Mar
Mon 10 Mar
Tue 11 Mar
Wed 12 Mar
Thu 13 Mar
Fri 14 Mar
Sat 15 Mar
Sun 16 Mar
Mon 17 Mar
Tue 18 Mar
Wed 19 Mar

  • Adult$135.00
  • Child$119.00

  • Adult$135.00
  • Child$119.00

  • Adult$135.00
  • Child$119.00

  • Adult$135.00
  • Child$119.00

  • Adult$135.00
  • Child$119.00

  • Adult$135.00
  • Child$119.00

Authenticated Reviews & PhotosAll of our reviews are from people who have booked and paid for this activity thru Bookme

Authenticated Reviews & PhotosAll of our reviews are from people who have booked and paid for this activity thru Bookme


47 reviews

Showing all 47 authenticated Bookme reviews

anne-josephinh from Germany wrote on 29 January 2020

Anders als gedacht

Ich bin nicht mit dieser Firma gefahren, weil zu wenige Leute sie gebucht haben. Deswegen bekam ich eine Mail, ob ich entweder später oder bei einer anderen Firma mitfahren wolle. Hab die zweite Option genutzt und bin mit Autopia Tours gefahren. Sehr schönes Erlebnis mit Fokus auf die Tierwelt Australiens. Die Fahrt in den Zoo, war in soweit schön, als dass man Kängurus und Wallabies füttern und streicheln durfte und ein paar australische Tierarten relativ aus der Nähe bewundern durfte. Das es n Zoo war, muss man an sich kritisieren, zu kleine Gehege für die Dingos bspw. Die Pinguine am Abend ließen lange auf sich warten, aber die Tipps vom Guide haben sehr geholfen wenigstens ein paar auf dem Rückweg zum Bus zu sehen. Ansonsten... ziemlich viele Touristen, kann die Pinguine verstehen, die deswegen in ihren Brithöhlen bleiben ;D sehr schöner Tag

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From Phillip Island Penguin Parade with kangaroos and Koalas Day Tour

Hi the parks and penguins as with all the people we are subjected to the terms and conditions etc we are not responsible of how the parks run and this review is for the parks and not for our company who had spend many times trying to help you despite the fact we make no money out of helping you..

Traveller from Switzerland wrote on 03 March 2019

Leider ist dieser Anbieter nicht weiterzuempfehlen

Leider nicht weiterzuempfehlen. Philip Island ist eigentlich ein sehr schöner Ausflugsort aber definitiv mit einem anderen Anbieter. Leider haben wir die sehr negativen anderen Bewertungen erst nach der Buchung bei Google gelesen, nachdem wir sehr komische E-Mails erhalten haben. Erst sagte man uns, dass die Tour an einem Tag stattfinden wird, als wir sie gebucht haben und dann erzählte man uns von irgendeiner Tour nach Sydney?! Wir hatten die Philip Island Tour gebucht. Nach mehreren komischen E-Mails und einem Anruf wussten wir bis an demselben Tag nicht, ob die Tour stattfinden wird oder nicht. Erst ein paar Stunden vorher dann. Bei der Tour selbst hörten wir auch von anderen Kunden dass diese einfach umgebucht worden waren. Da wir sehr viele andere Touren in Australien und NZ schon gemacht hatten, können wir von dieser nur abraten. Klar waren die besuchten Orte schön, jedoch liegt das ja nicht am Veranstalter. Auch erzählte uns unser Guide dass er mit anderen Anbietern kooperieren würde, welche wir daraufhin fragten und dieser es deutlich verneinte. Alles in allem einfach sehr komisch und unseriös... Also am besten mit einem anderen Veranstalter buchen.

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From Phillip Island Penguin Parade with kangaroos and Koalas Day Tour

Thanks for the email as with all 1 star reviews we investigate what has happen.... As upon investigation we were following the terms and conditions you agree upon. They are if the tour is lacking numbers we have the right to cancel, transfer you or refund you your money as we did the right thing. We cant run a tour with two people the wages, fuel and entry fees etc make up about 500 aud estimation to run it for 2 people will mean we will lose about 400 aud. We did offer to put you another partners bus or put you another day and you werent happy with this . Please I encourage you as a frequent travellor myself who has been on about 50 plane trips in 5 years please read the terms and conditions I also think your language towards is not fair and quite harsh.... Thanks bill.

Larissa from Germany wrote on 06 July 2018

Unprofessionell und unzuverlässig

Die Tour wurde unprofessionell kurzfristig storniert. Mir wurde spät am Abend ein Ersatztermin für den nächsten Morgen angeboten. Als ich morgens anrief und fragte ob wir denn heute mit fahren könnten, wurde mir nur ein Platz angeboten. Er meinte: Entweder Einer oder keiner. Danke für Nichts.

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From Phillip Island Penguin Parade with kangaroos and Koalas Day Tour

Hi How are you this is colin we check our records and found we didn't have you as a customer..

Lisa Diekhof from Germany wrote on 13 March 2018


Ursprünglich sollte die Tour um 12 starten, letztendlich aber um 13:15 Uhr. Dann mussten wir jedoch noch 45Min auf den Bus warten, sodass wir erst um 14 Uhr losgekommen sind. Unser erstes Ziel war ein Tierpark, der schrecklich überfüllt war und wo die Tiere auf sehr engem Raum leben mussten. Danach sind wir zu einer Schokoladenfabrik, die nicht auf dem Plan stand und wir auch nicht nachgefragt wurden, ob wir dahin möchten. Dort war es auch total überfüllt. Das Ende war die Höhe; da wollte der Busfahrer ohne uns losfahren, weil wir 15Min zu spät vom Pinguinbeobachten wieder gekommen sind. Der ganze Tag war ein großer Reinfall!

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From Phillip Island Penguin Parade with kangaroos and Koalas Day Tour

danke shon

Anita Wu from Australia wrote on 04 February 2020

Wonderful driver

Neil was our driver and he was spectacular. He was very knowledgeable about the route but more than that, he always slowed down and even stopped when we happened across wildlife so we could take photos. He drove us nice and slow across Phillip Island so we could peak in all the penguins burrows unlike other tour buses we saw that sped across the landscape. On the way back, it was raining quite heavily and past midnight so he took the time to drop every passenger off at their hotel door. Bottled water was provided on the bus. We would have liked more time at each of the stops but we understand that the bus needs to keep to a schedule. Overall, it was great value for money and much cheaper than paying for a rental car, petrol and entry fees on our own.

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Qualmark Certification

This award identifies a business with a high level of professionalism, a keen awareness of the impact it has on the environment and a commitment to a customer centric approach.

This award is evidence of a sophisticated tourism business that consistently exceeds visitor expectations. Their proactive leadership and management ensure the business's focus on continuously improving their economic, social and environmental performance to create genuine, constantly evolving and sustainable tourism experiences.

This award recognises the best sustainable tourism businesses in New Zealand. It denotes exceptional customer experiences at the heart of everything the company does. This business is leading the way in making the New Zealand tourism industry a world class sustainable visitor destination.

When you see the Qualmark logo, your activity of choice is endorsed by New Zealand Tourism's official quality assurance organisation and backed by leaders in the industry. It's your trusted guide to iconic activities and experiences that are awarded for their exceptionally high level of quality, safety and sustainability.

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