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Blue Mountains & Wildlife Park - Colourful Day Trip - Departs Sydney

Deals from $135.00 Save $34.00 Check dates nowsystem_update_alt
Join Colourful Collective Travel for an exceptional guided tour through the incredible Blue Mountains and Australia's most visited World Heritage National Park!

Join Colourful Collective Travel for an exceptional guided tour through the incredible Blue Mountains and Australia's most visited World Heritage National Park!

Experience exciting native bush walks and incredible views on this full-day trip and get up close and personal to kangaroos and koalas at the Australia Wildlife Park.

Hear about Aboriginal legends from our experienced eco accredited guides and discover mountain villages on this fun-filled tour.

Highlights Include:

  • Guided Bushwalking: Explore the Blue Mountains World Heritage National Park, home to rainforest, canyons, cliffs and a vast variety of unique animal life. Learn about the native flora and fauna, look for lyre Birds, see awesome views and take great photos from stunning lookouts.
  • Australian Wildlife Park: Capture the perfect selfie with a koala bear, feed a kangaroo, meet a crocodile and much more at one of Australia's best wildlife parks!
  • Lunch: Discover the bustling main street of Katoomba where you can find a huge choice of good value places to eat! (lunch at own expense)
  • The Three Sisters: Experience incredible views over the Jamison Valley and see the iconic Three Sisters rock formation. Capture the perfect photo and hear the stories of the local Aboriginal legends

Departs Sydney: 8am daily

Pick Up Points:

Departs 7.15am St Laurence Church, 812 George St, Haymarket. Please arrive 10 minutes before departure.

Departs 7.30am St Andrew’s Cathedral, Bathurst St next to Sydney Town Hall. Please arrive 10 minutes before departure

Departs 7.45am The Obelisk, Macquarie Place Park, cnr Loftus St & Bridge St, Circular Quay. Please arrive 10 minutes before departure

If unsure of where you will be able to meet just let Colourful Trips know closer to the date of travel.

Returns: Sydney 5.30pm

Per Person $169.00

What's included

  • Blue Mountains National Park bushwalks
  • Australian Wildlife Park
  • National Park entry fees
  • Friendly and helpful driver/tour guide
  • Comfortable, modern transport
  • Informative commentary and world music


  • Allow approximately 10 hours for the whole experience


Available Bookings from 5 Mar to 18 Mar 2025

Change Dates

All prices are shown in AUD ($)

Wed 5 Mar
Thu 6 Mar
Fri 7 Mar
Sat 8 Mar
Sun 9 Mar
Mon 10 Mar
Tue 11 Mar
Wed 12 Mar
Thu 13 Mar
Fri 14 Mar
Sat 15 Mar
Sun 16 Mar
Mon 17 Mar
Tue 18 Mar

  • Per Person$135.00 Less than 6 at this price!

  • Per Person$135.00 Less than 6 at this price!

  • Per Person$135.00 Less than 6 at this price!

  • Per Person$135.00 Less than 6 at this price!

  • Per Person$135.00 Less than 6 at this price!

  • Per Person$135.00 Less than 6 at this price!

  • Per Person$135.00 Less than 6 at this price!

  • Per Person$135.00 Less than 6 at this price!

  • Per Person$135.00 Less than 6 at this price!

  • Per Person$135.00 Less than 6 at this price!

  • Per Person$135.00 Less than 6 at this price!

  • Per Person$135.00 Less than 6 at this price!

  • Per Person$135.00 Less than 6 at this price!

Authenticated Reviews & PhotosAll of our reviews are from people who have booked and paid for this activity thru Bookme

Authenticated Reviews & PhotosAll of our reviews are from people who have booked and paid for this activity thru Bookme


50 reviews

Showing all 50 authenticated Bookme reviews

Elif from Germany wrote on 24 March 2023

Tolle Tour!

Wir waren insgesamt 14 Personen in einem Sprinterähnlichen Fahrzeug. Das Fahrzeug war sehr bequem, der Tourguide super und die anderen Teilnehmer sehr angenehm. Das Einzige was mir nicht so gefallen hat, ist die Beschreibung wo die genauen Abholstandorte sind. Ein Punkt auf einer Karte würde die Sucherei und den Stress, das Fahrzeug zu verpassen, reduzieren. Unser erster Stop war der Wildlife Park, dieser ist im Gegensatz zum Taronga Zoo klein aber man muss einen Schnelldurchgang machen, um wirklich alles zu sehen. Dort kann auch ein Foto mit einem Koala gemacht werden, dieses kostet 30$. Danach ging es zu den Blue Mountains. Obwohl der Tag sonnig war, war es bei der Aussichtsplattform sehr neblig und frisch. Eine Übergangsjacke oder ein Sweatshirt ist nicht verkehrt, zumal diese auch im Fahrzeug gelassen werden können, wenn es nicht getragen wird. Man besucht mehrere Standorte (kleine Wasserfälle, Walken am Bergrand, 3 Schwestern) und bekommt auch einen kostenlosen Sandwich, den man sich vorab im Fahrzeug bestellt. Im Großen und Ganzen war es eine tolle Tour, den ich jedem empfehlen kann.

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Susann Huettner from Germany wrote on 21 March 2023

Cooler Tag in den Blue Mountains

Der Ausflug ist sehr für Neulinge Australiens geeignet, da man nicht nur das was man sieht genießen kann, sondern auch über Land und Leute erfährt. Auch DOS and Donts. Zum Beispiel zu den giftigen Tieren ein bisschen Infos, damit man nicht ganz so dumm dasteht 🙃 alles in allem ein sehr cooler Tag in einer kleinen Gruppe (max 16) sehr nice.

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Jeannette Gaisbauer from Germany wrote on 30 May 2019

Ein super Trip

Ronny, unser Guide war fantastisch. Er erklärte viel in der Natur und hatte immer einen Witz auf den Lippen. Der Tierpark war superschön und die Blue Mountains ebenfalls. Ich würde jederzeit diese Tour wieder buchen

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Sarah from United States wrote on 11 March 2024


Michael our tour guide was amazing! Featherdale was great and plenty of time there to enjoy. Pickup spots and times were accurate. Blue Mountains were beautiful and plenty of stops!

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laural46 from Denmark wrote on 06 March 2024

Amazing trip!

A great and well organized day with some good stops. The time at each place was good - never too short or too long. The guide was very informative and helpful even though it was his second time :))) highly recommended for anyone

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Qualmark Certification

This award identifies a business with a high level of professionalism, a keen awareness of the impact it has on the environment and a commitment to a customer centric approach.

This award is evidence of a sophisticated tourism business that consistently exceeds visitor expectations. Their proactive leadership and management ensure the business's focus on continuously improving their economic, social and environmental performance to create genuine, constantly evolving and sustainable tourism experiences.

This award recognises the best sustainable tourism businesses in New Zealand. It denotes exceptional customer experiences at the heart of everything the company does. This business is leading the way in making the New Zealand tourism industry a world class sustainable visitor destination.

When you see the Qualmark logo, your activity of choice is endorsed by New Zealand Tourism's official quality assurance organisation and backed by leaders in the industry. It's your trusted guide to iconic activities and experiences that are awarded for their exceptionally high level of quality, safety and sustainability.

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