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Sydney Harbour Twilight Dinner Cruise - Tall Ships

Deals from $69.00 Save $40.00 Check dates nowsystem_update_alt
Enjoy a two hour sailing cruise onboard a tall ship on the world’s most beautiful harbour.

Enjoy a two hour sailing cruise onboard a tall ship on the world’s most beautiful harbour.


  • Jump aboard a vintage 1850's style tall ship
  • Enjoy a appetising dinner and sunset while sailing around the worlds most beautiful harbour
  • Discover Sydney's most iconic landmarks including the Sydney Harbour Bridge, Sydney Oprah House and much more!
  • Take the opportunity to hoist the sails and steer the ship!

Step back in time and experience sailing in classic style and comfort while enjoying a delicious dinner.

Witness the beauty of Sydney at twilight while you feel the wind gently carry the ship across the harbour.

You will also discover Sydney’s rich history and some of the stories behind its iconic landmarks such as the Sydney Harbour Bridge, Sydney Opera House, Fort Denison, Garden Island, Taronga Zoo, Luna Park and Admiralty House.

Guests are also welcome to get involved in hoisting the sails and even steering the ship like a real captain. Otherwise simply sit back, relax and enjoy the entertainment provided by the crew, chef and the barman – all of whom are at your service.

A unique and extraordinary way to end your day.

Optional Extras:

  • Add aMast Climbexperience to your package for a truly memorable experience. You'll be wearing a safety harness and enjoy a celebratory drink afterwards.
  • Add aDrinks Packagefor even more sparkle on your Sydney Harbour cruise. Our drinks package includes bubbly, wines, beers, soft drinks, juices and water.

Departure Point: Campbell's Cove Jetty Wharf, The Rocks, Sydney

Freshly prepared Menu:

(Subject to change to ensure fresh produce of premium quality. Menu has vegetarian and gluten free options)

Salads: Roast pumpkin, zucchini, mixed bean with sultanas, sunflower seeds & coconut salad, Mixed Leaves Salad, Potato Salad

Main Dishes: Mild spiced chicken with mushrooms, capsicum, baby spinach & Spanish onion (Non-Vegetarian), Sweet potato, eggplant & tomato with lentils, Plain white rice

Desserts: Chocolate brownie (Gluten Free)

Adult $89.00
Child $45.00 (4 to 14 years old )
Adult $109.00 (Adult Summer)
Child $55.00 (4 to 14 years Summer)

What's included

  • 3 course meal freshly prepared during the cruise


  • Allow approximately 2 hours for the whole experience


Child Friendly

  • This experience welcomes families with children.

Legal Drinking Age Enforced

  • To consume Alcohol you must be over the legal drinking age. You may be asked to produce Government Issued ID to prove your age.


  • **Please note that availability and times are subject to change and you must call to confirm departure time and departure point after booking.**Service of all alcohol subject to responsible service of alcohol provisions.

    Heath initiatives: Due to the current global health issue the operator is taking extra steps to ensure passenger wellbeing such as lowering passenger numbers, respecting the 1metre social distance, and have hand sanitiser available. We also encourage our customers to bring their own masks if they believe they need to use them..

  • Child price applies to children ages 4 to 14 years old

Available Bookings from 6 Mar to 19 Mar 2025

Change Dates

All prices are shown in AUD ($)

Thu 6 Mar
Fri 7 Mar
Sat 8 Mar
Sun 9 Mar
Mon 10 Mar
Tue 11 Mar
Wed 12 Mar
Thu 13 Mar
Fri 14 Mar
Sat 15 Mar
Sun 16 Mar
Mon 17 Mar
Tue 18 Mar
Wed 19 Mar

Bookings close in 10 hours...

  • Adult$109.00
  • Child$55.00

  • Adult$69.00 Less than 6 at this price!
  • Child$55.00

  • Adult$109.00
  • Child$55.00

  • Adult$69.00 Less than 6 at this price!
  • Child$55.00

  • Adult$69.00 Less than 6 at this price!
  • Child$55.00

  • Adult$109.00
  • Child$55.00

  • Adult$109.00
  • Child$55.00

  • Adult$69.00 Less than 6 at this price!
  • Child$55.00

  • Adult$69.00 Less than 6 at this price!
  • Child$55.00

Authenticated Reviews & PhotosAll of our reviews are from people who have booked and paid for this activity thru Bookme

Authenticated Reviews & PhotosAll of our reviews are from people who have booked and paid for this activity thru Bookme


179 reviews

Showing all 179 authenticated Bookme reviews

Simon from Germany wrote on 12 November 2019

Fantastic Tour

Tolle Tour, sehr leckeres Essen, Getränke frei (Bier, Wein, Sekt, Softdrinks), extrem nette Crew. Absolut zu empfehlen!

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Guido from Germany wrote on 08 January 2018

Alternative zum Mainstream

Schöne Tour auf dem Segelboot am späten Nachmittag. Empfehlenswert!

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Lisa Schnorr from Germany wrote on 02 May 2017

Geniales Erlebnis für relativ wenig Geld!

Wir konnten einen rundum perfekten Abend auf dem Segelschiff genießen. Es waren mit uns ca.10 weitere Gäste an Bord, sodass die Atmosphäre sehr gemütlich war. Die Betreiber waren super freundich und haben uns prima unterhalten! Das Essen war ebenfalls sehr gut und das Klettern auf den Mast war der absolute Hammer, die Aussicht von dort oben auf die Skyline mit beleuchteter Oper ist jeden Dollar wert gewesen! Der Trip dauerte insgesamt 2 Stunden.

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Tanja Roll from Germany wrote on 13 January 2017

Entspannt durch den Hafen schippern

Ein wunderschönes Schiff, tolle Crew, gutes Essen. Unbedingt das unlimited drinks package buchen. Einen Stern weniger gibt es für die Anzahl der Gäste. Das kleine Schiff war vollgestopft mit Leuten, keine Tische, nur naja Sitzgelegenheiten. Unter Dinner hatte ich mir nicht den Teller auf den Knien balancieren vorgestellt. Alles in allem eine tolle, entspannte Tour. Haben und vielleicht auch wegen der enge mit vielen netten Leuten unterhalten, würde es also empfehlen.

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Luzia Maron from Germany wrote on 03 January 2017


Tolle Crew, tolles Flair und leckeres Essen! Es war ein wunderbares Erlebnis!

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This award identifies a business with a high level of professionalism, a keen awareness of the impact it has on the environment and a commitment to a customer centric approach.

This award is evidence of a sophisticated tourism business that consistently exceeds visitor expectations. Their proactive leadership and management ensure the business's focus on continuously improving their economic, social and environmental performance to create genuine, constantly evolving and sustainable tourism experiences.

This award recognises the best sustainable tourism businesses in New Zealand. It denotes exceptional customer experiences at the heart of everything the company does. This business is leading the way in making the New Zealand tourism industry a world class sustainable visitor destination.

When you see the Qualmark logo, your activity of choice is endorsed by New Zealand Tourism's official quality assurance organisation and backed by leaders in the industry. It's your trusted guide to iconic activities and experiences that are awarded for their exceptionally high level of quality, safety and sustainability.

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