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Bookme ReviewFeatherdale Wildlife Park - EntryPosted by Jeffrey from Taiwan on 19 Aug 2016

  • Jeffrey said... 這地方在非假日到,是相當不錯的。不過公共交通(火車與公車)需要花一點時間去銜接;搭公車時,可能路線途經一些比較落後的地區,乘客素質很不佳(霸佔一些空間,大聲喧嘩、大聲播放音樂,完全不顧及其他乘客感受,司機也不會制止),會讓初到遊客感覺到澳洲人文素養很落後的一面。可以在工作人員安排下,觸碰無尾熊合照,也可以與袋鼠合照,整個環境空間不大,大概逛一個半小時就可以了!是個值得花時間去一遊的地方!

    Immerse yourself in an incredible wildlife experience and get up close with Australia’s wildlife at Featherdale!

    Immerse yourself in an incredible wildlife experience and get up close with Australia’s wildlife at Featherdale!

    Immerse yourself in an incredible wildlife experience and get up close with Australia’s wildlife at Featherdale!

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