Take a fun-filled day trip to Middle-earth where you'll discover the amazing Hobbiton Movie Set and then the magical Waitomo Glowworm Caves!
Embark on a fun-filled Waitomo Caves and Hobbiton tour from Auckland; discover Middle-Earth at the Hobbiton Movie Set (Hobbiton ticket price included), plus lunch at the famous Green Dragon Inn before journeying underground on a Waitomo Caves boat tour to see thousands of glowworms.
Enjoy the best of scenic New Zealand as you hop aboard your luxurious coach tour; cast your eyes over expanses of rolling farmland as your journey commences with entertaining commentary en route to your first stop - Hobbiton.
Just outside the rural town of Matamata is the Hobbiton Movie Set - a picturesque 1,250 acre farm where scenes from Lord of The Rings and Hobbit movie trilogies were filmed. On your Hobbiton tour, see the original Hobbit Holes and the Party Tree, and hear intriguing behind the scenes stories. After your fill of movie magic, it’ll be time to tuck into a buffet lunch (included) outside the famous Green Dragon Inn.
The adventure continues as we head west to the world-famous Waitomo Glowworm Caves. Marvel at the incredible network of underground tunnels and caves made from limestone formation as you set off for your Waitomo Caves boat tour into the magical Glowworm Grotto.
If Lord of the Rings had your eyes glued to the big screen and you’re a fan of awe-inspiring nature, then the Waitomo Caves and Hobbiton tour from Auckland is one of the best day trips New Zealand has to offer.
Departure: Departs Sky City Coach Terminal, 102 Hobson St, Auckland at 08:00 and returns to Auckland at 19:00
Please Note: A complimentary pick-up and drop-off service is provided from Auckland inner city hotels. If required please provide hotel details upon check-out and confirm departure details with the tour operator directly after booking.
雖然大雨滂沱但還是覺得哈比村很漂亮!英文導覽但不論是車上導覽紐西蘭還是哈村導覽/發光蟲洞導覽都不會使用過於困難的字,所以整體還是做的很棒~發光蟲洞看起來就是鑲在岩石上的星星,真的很美!哈比村讓人會想起魔戒電影內的場景!下大雨天拍起來也漂亮~ 唯一最困擾我的是明明填在bookme上的first name和Last name我們也就按名+姓拼音填(假設是名ab 姓A),但當天點名時卻是用first name的第一個字(a)當作姓.名(bA)...讓我們一度找不到自己在哪。還被點名的大姊說為何我們找不到自己的名字還多次問我們到底用誰的名字訂+檢查護照確認名字這是讓我比較不喜歡的地方~最後還是讓我們抱持著疑惑上車,依然順利參加本次行程 其餘一切都很棒~~~
從早上集合時間到沿路安排都非常好, 哈比村的導覽以及自助吧午餐還有下午的螢火蟲洞, 一切都美到不可思議! 很開心愉快的行程。
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peiyuc from Taiwan wrote on 27 December 2019