Take to the skies and experience a 25 minute helicopter flight through the Mount Cook National Park...
Explore the valleys and peaks of Aoraki Mount Cook National Park, with exceptional views of Aoraki Mount Cook and the surrounding snow-capped mountain range.
From a bird's eye view catch the amazing sights of the Southern Alps. You will fly over the Tasman Terminal Lake, pass by the Horchsetter Icefall before setting down for an Alpine/Snow landing*
This was on my husband's must do list for our honeymoon. It was AMAZING! Everything about the experience was amazing. From booking to the pilot, to the flight and experience we couldn't fault it. We managed to get a snow landing and the pilot was very knowledgeable and friendly. The pilot even took photos for us. We were lucky we had a hiking guide on our flight too so explained all the features we were seeing. I was even able to wear my wedding dress so I could get photos on the snow. We Can't wait to do it again and book the longer heli flight. Thanks again for the amazing experience.
This was incredible, worth every cent. Would highly recommendm
Thank you for the amazing feedback! We’re thrilled to hear you loved the scenery and that it was worth every cent. Your recommendation means the world to us, and we can’t wait to have you back for another incredible adventure!
Really 'cool', really amazing. I touched the snow on the summit, Mt Cook was under my eyelevel. Marvellous feeling!
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This award identifies a business with a high level of professionalism, a keen awareness of the impact it has on the environment and a commitment to a customer centric approach.
This award is evidence of a sophisticated tourism business that consistently exceeds visitor expectations. Their proactive leadership and management ensure the business's focus on continuously improving their economic, social and environmental performance to create genuine, constantly evolving and sustainable tourism experiences.
This award recognises the best sustainable tourism businesses in New Zealand. It denotes exceptional customer experiences at the heart of everything the company does. This business is leading the way in making the New Zealand tourism industry a world class sustainable visitor destination.
When you see the Qualmark logo, your activity of choice is endorsed by New Zealand Tourism's official quality assurance organisation and backed by leaders in the industry. It's your trusted guide to iconic activities and experiences that are awarded for their exceptionally high level of quality, safety and sustainability.
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linghuac from Taiwan wrote on 25 February 2023
Awesome trip!
❤️ 終於順利飛了!!!這趟真的太值得,冰川和雪山真的好美好美好美! ❤️ 直升機從機場起飛之後飛過庫克山,離雪山壁好近好近!而且爬升好快,有點出乎意料,原本走步道的時候看起來好像很費力才能抵達的山沿竟然就近在眼前,有種奇幻感~🚁 下面是塔斯曼冰河湖,接著繼續走終於看到已經退到很高的冰河,在這邊飛了一陣子之後,在雪原上著陸。 🚁 著陸這邊的雪是鬆軟的,踏起來會陷下去,所以上飛機前除了檢查是否有帶會漂浮的東西(例如圍巾和小包包都是禁止的)有沒有戴太陽眼鏡,還會檢查一下鞋子是否合適。我們大約在這個停留了20分鐘拍照,超級大的雪原上就只有我們七個人,好奢侈阿,大家在雪地上狂奔,或是躺在雪地上,總之真是太美了~~~ 🚁 直升機飛行真的很像漂浮在空中,幸好我覺得不顛簸,因為今天天氣大好,地勤說是超適合飛行的天氣,然後我們帥駕駛也很穩! 🚁 我們訂的是30分鐘飛機,需要提早30分鐘抵達Mount Cook Airport,check in之後還需要看安全影片,然後司機分配座位,總共是六人座,前面兩個後面四個,好像會是看體重分配~去和回會換座位喔!